Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Summarise the studies and answer all the question on the Official Statistics handout.
BY MONDAY 3rd March.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

More studies!

The next 4 studies, due Friday 8th February:

4. A. Cohen - focus on functions of deviance

5. Parsons

6. Chambliss - Marxism

7. Sutherland - white collar crime

8, 9, 10 and 11 are Miller, A.Cohen (again), Cloward & Ohlin and Anderson and are to be done creatively in groups. However, each member of the group must enter a strength or weakness of their study here as a comment. This is your homework for Monday! No duplications so get in there quick!

Friday, 1 February 2008

Yr 13 Crime and Deviance

The following studies should be completed by Friday 1st Feb:
  1. Durkheim
  2. Lombroso
  3. Hirschi
  4. RK Merton

More studies will follow on Monday.

I would also like you to consider ways in which we could use a link with a school in San Diego, California. They are going to be looking at some aspects of Crime and Law. What do you want to know about the US system? How can we work together? Post any ideas here!

Have a good weekend.

Mr S

Year 12 Research Methods

A reminder for my group that your studies are due in on Monday 11th February and your first essay is due in on Monday 4th February. If you are having trouble finding some of the studies please speak to me and do the best you can. Also use this blog to exchange info and sites to help eachother.

Key terms you need to know so far:
  1. Validity
  2. Reliability
  3. Positivism
  4. Interpretivism
  5. Generalisability
  6. Representativeness
  7. Quantitative data
  8. Qualitative data
  9. Primary data
  10. Secondary data

Learn these as you will be tested on them next week!

Have a good weekend.

Mr S