Thursday, 27 March 2008

Theory Revision

For your perspective you must include:
Be creative use pics, youtube, ppt, voice recording etc
  1. Key points summarised and explained.
  2. Concepts.
  3. Named Studies.
  4. Evaluation and theoretical evaluation - positive and negative points.
  5. Synoptic links - to other topics and to methods.
  6. Contemporary examples e.g. recent news stories linked appropriately
Deadline = Thurs 3rd April.

Studies Checklist - so far......

As of March 27th you should have summaries on the following:

  1. Durkheim - functions of crime
  2. Lombroso - biological
  3. Hirschi - bonds of attachment (func)
  4. RK Merton - strain (func)
  5. A. Cohen - focus on functions of deviance
  6. Parsons - deviance as boundary maintenance
  7. Chambliss - Marxism
  8. Sutherland - white collar crime (Marx)
  9. Miller - sub culture (func)
  10. A.Cohen - sub culture (func)
  11. Cloward & Ohlin - sub culture (func)
  12. Matza - sub culture, delinquency and drift
  13. Anderson - sub culture code od the streets
  14. Hall et al - Policing the CrisisTaylor
  15. Walton and Young - the New Criminology
  16. Lea and Young - ethnicity and crime
  17. Gilroy - ethnicity and crime
  18. Cicourel - OCS and the construction of delinquents (int)
  19. Becker - int labelling
  20. Young - int labelling
  21. Lemert - primary and secondary deviance
  22. Goffman - labelling
  23. Wilson - New Right/Right Realism
  24. Murray - New Right
  25. Jock Young - Left Realism

Obvioulsy there are others and some have been HW, some in class etc, but you do need to know these.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Yr 13 studies and cover for Monday 3rd March

Hall et al - Policing the Crisis
Taylor, Walton and Young - the New Criminology
Lea and Young - ethnicity and crime
Gilroy - ethnicity and crime

Apologies for the late notice and do start these studies today.
I will check where you are tomorrow!
Mr S
ps - Arsenal fans get your chocolate ready!