- Durkheim - functions of crime
- Lombroso - biological
- Hirschi - bonds of attachment (func)
- RK Merton - strain (func)
- A. Cohen - focus on functions of deviance
- Parsons - deviance as boundary maintenance
- Chambliss - Marxism
- Sutherland - white collar crime (Marx)
- Miller - sub culture (func)
- A.Cohen - sub culture (func)
- Cloward & Ohlin - sub culture (func)
- Matza - sub culture, delinquency and drift
- Anderson - sub culture code od the streets
- Hall et al - Policing the CrisisTaylor
- Walton and Young - the New Criminology
- Lea and Young - ethnicity and crime
- Gilroy - ethnicity and crime
- Cicourel - OCS and the construction of delinquents (int)
- Becker - int labelling
- Young - int labelling
- Lemert - primary and secondary deviance
- Goffman - labelling
- Wilson - New Right/Right Realism
- Murray - New Right
- Jock Young - Left Realism
Obvioulsy there are others and some have been HW, some in class etc, but you do need to know these.
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