Thursday 12 June 2008


M.N.M. ism

Basis points/ main teachings
This religion is based on the teachings of living life to the fullest. This religion believes that life should be about having fun and fulfilling your destiny (which is whatever you wish it to be).

28th of February-celebrates the birth of the first prophet (founder of the religion)
19th may- celebrates the birth of the second prophet (founder of the religion)
29th July-celebrates the birth of the third prophet (founder of the religion)

The creation of the earth
Who cares, we are here now so is doesn’t matter. If it really bothers you the make something up.

The after life
Everyone has a place in heaven- all you can eat buffet with foods from all over the world (including desserts) no one gets fat, No natural disasters, peace, everyone can fly, no money needed everything is free, do what you want.

Martha O.D.
Nana O.A.
Mohammed M.

Ø Do what you want as long as you don’t hurt anyone
Ø If someone treats you like rubbish then treat them like rubbish if they treat you good then treat them good.
Ø No age restrictions on having sex- age, gender ect
Ø Education should be made your priority.
Ø Weed for all- made legal to smoke and sell

Reasons for the religion
To be happy

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